Ways of help and support
We depend entirely on help and support by the local community. We hope you might consider helping out in some small way and are always looking for volunteer help to set up each concert and serve refreshments at interval. Currently, however, we are also seeking help with our online marketing, our fundraising campaign, and we are also looking to recruit new people onto our committee.
Social Media Promotion
We are looking for someone who has a greater knowledge and skill than the committee currently possesses to help with our Social Media.
We do need to keep abreast of this to spread the good word of the Whitstable Music Society. The principal purpose will be to use social media to communicate with our members (season ticket holders), our occasional audience visitors, and of course potential first time visitors. |
Our hope is that you will be experienced enough to elevate the appeal of chamber music at Whitstable Music Society to help reach a new and more diverse audience through the use of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and perhaps other social media means too.
Fundraising and Sponsorship
We are also looking for someone to support the charitable fundraising with Gill Smyth.
Sufficient incoming funds is most important to the continued survival of our charity as currently each concert costs more to host than we receive from season ticket & ticket sales for any particular performance. You would help oversee the fundraising functions of the society, particularly developing some more sponsors and donors for each new season. |
Our target for sponsorship is in the order of about £5,000 each year but this is very much a team effort and supported by Gill’s current contacts who we hope will continue to express their generosity.
Enthusiasm and willingness to help promote the message and goals of our charity is the most important part of this role but, naturally, some previous fundraising experience, no matter how modest, would be advantageous.
Enthusiasm and willingness to help promote the message and goals of our charity is the most important part of this role but, naturally, some previous fundraising experience, no matter how modest, would be advantageous.
General Help at Concerts
We meet on a Saturday morning at 9.30am to lay out the seats, and set up the musicians performing space including the lighting and our banners. There is the musicians rest room to arrange and their pre evening snack to set out. The 'front of house' desk and accoutrements require putting in order as does the crockery and cutlery for the interval drinks.
Interval tea and coffee servers are always welcome. |
After the concert there is normally about half an hours help required to put the church back as we earlier found it and ready for their Sunday morning service.
There is ample to do by both the muscular and not so strong so don't hold back if you are keen and reliable because we would love to hear from you.
There is ample to do by both the muscular and not so strong so don't hold back if you are keen and reliable because we would love to hear from you.
New Committee Members
The committee normally meets about five times a year at the relaxed Whitstable setting of one of our trustees and these meetings usually last no longer than about two hours.
Volunteering as a Whitstable Music Society committee member is an enjoyable experience.
Most of us have been with the society for years but it being a voluntary role of course no one is tied for longer than they wish to contribute. A professional musical background is absolutely not needed, just a copious enthusiasm for chamber music being the prerequisite.
Without a meaningful committee the society and of course our concerts will cease to exist. So we are currently looking for two people who are keen to do a modest amount of volunteering, perhaps to fill some gaps since recently retiring or from someone who has not yet reached this milestone, with a willingness to help see our concerts at the Whitstable Music Society survive and prosper.
Initially, without any commitment, you will be invited to be an observer and introduce yourself at one of our informal committee meetings. It would then be a mutual decision if we each wished anything more of each other. So if you are interested and would like to talk we will be pleased to hear from you.
Volunteering as a Whitstable Music Society committee member is an enjoyable experience.
Most of us have been with the society for years but it being a voluntary role of course no one is tied for longer than they wish to contribute. A professional musical background is absolutely not needed, just a copious enthusiasm for chamber music being the prerequisite.
Without a meaningful committee the society and of course our concerts will cease to exist. So we are currently looking for two people who are keen to do a modest amount of volunteering, perhaps to fill some gaps since recently retiring or from someone who has not yet reached this milestone, with a willingness to help see our concerts at the Whitstable Music Society survive and prosper.
Initially, without any commitment, you will be invited to be an observer and introduce yourself at one of our informal committee meetings. It would then be a mutual decision if we each wished anything more of each other. So if you are interested and would like to talk we will be pleased to hear from you.
Our Funding |
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